Our Pitch

Track Record

We have been a team for over 2 decades. Developing digital products since '00. We helped shaping the digital disruption of Music and Television industry. By launching successfully million-selling products.


We are now moving into healthcare. Being one of the most analog and offline markets, healthcare's digitization or even disruption is about to come. We want to be part of the outcome. We want to transform offline to online driven businesses. Not as an outsider but by working with the industry.


We know how to successfully do digital products. We partner with experts and leaders in existing analog businesses.Together we are unlocking it's digital potential.


Health is one of the most resilient and non-cyclical markets. It's around 350bn€ in Germany alone. Health spendings as % of GDP even rises during financial crisis. It has a 3% p.a. growth rate (in last decade; GDP had only 1,9% p.a) in Germany. At the same time, especially in the primary health market (280bn in Germany), hospital and outpatient treatments are still very offline. But also adjacent health market (70bn in Germany) has fast paced growing opportunities and potential through digitalization

What we do


In Berater-Projekten entwickeln wir Ideen, Strategien und Konzepte für digitale Produkte.


In Enabler-Projekten unterstützen wir Unternehmen dabei, digitale Produkte zu entwickeln. Wir setzen diese auch um. Und bringen sie erfolgreich auf den Markt.


In Partner-Projekten gehen wir mit ins unternehmerische Risiko und investieren mit in die Entwicklung digitaler Produkte. Unsere Digital-Kompetenz ergänzt dabei die Branchen-Kompetenz unseres Partners. In einer gemeinsamen Projektgesellschaft, entwickeln wir digitale Produkte und bringen sie gemeinsam auf den Markt.

Who We Are

What others think

Made With Love And Passion In Cologne And Berlin, Germany